
  • FRIDAY EKAHE ABANYAM (Ph.D) Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria,


Empowerment; Marketing Educators; Productivity; Tertiary Institutions


Marketing practices in recent times have taken a dynamic function which requires that those marketing educators saddled with the responsibility of imparting knowledge on the students are productive. As a result, tertiary institutions in Nigeria must be in a position to empower marketing educators to respond swiftly to customers’ demands. Empowerment meets the organizations’ needs for high-performing employees that enhance their chances of remaining competitive in the current turbulent business environment. It is on this note that this research article focused on how to empower business educators for optimal productivity in tertiary institutions in Nigeria, hence, the author discussed the concept of employee empowerment, the empowerment process of employees, practical measures to empowering employees, and tools for creating empowerment in organizations as well as the implications of employee empowerment on business education programme were projected. It was suggested amongst others that school administrators should adopt the driving force strategy of encouraging creativity and innovation; increasing productivity; aligning goals of marketing educators with those of the organization; ensuring quality of work: and helping in the retention of marketing educators so as to achieve productivity in Nigeria.

Author Biography

FRIDAY EKAHE ABANYAM (Ph.D), Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria,





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