AAU JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATORS https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe <p>Ambrose<strong> Alli University Journal of Business Educators (AAUJBE)</strong></p> <p>This is the official website for the Journal of Business Educators (JBE), the official Publication of the Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.<br />The Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria publishes The Journal of Business Educators (JBE) annually.</p> <p>Ambrose Alli University Journal of Business Educators (AAUJBE) is a publication outlet for the dissemination of research and Scholarly information on contemporary trends in education. It is the official Journal of the Department of Business Education. JBE covers a wide range of interests and concerns in Business Education and related fields of Education, Humanities, Management and Social Sciences.</p> <p>The following will be taken into consideration for publishing by the Journal's Editorial Board:</p> <ol> <li><strong><em>Articles that advance knowledge of teaching and learning in education, particularly in business education;</em></strong></li> <li><strong><em>Theoretical or Philosophical articles;</em></strong></li> <li><strong><em>Critical reviews of education literature, with a focus on business education literature;</em></strong></li> <li><strong><em> Articles on current issues in Education, Management, Accounting, Office Management and Administration.</em></strong></li> </ol> <p>The Journal of Business Educators (JBE) primarily serves as a place for scholarly contributions aimed at enhancing business education teaching and learning. Additionally, it is intended to support studies that will enhance employee, organizational, and workplace performance.</p> <p>All correspondence regarding this or future issues should be sent to:</p> <p><em><strong>Editor-in-Chief,</strong></em><br /><em><strong>Ile Chika Madu PhD,</strong></em><br /><em><strong>Professor of Business Education, </strong></em><br /><em><strong>Department of Technology and Vocational Education,</strong></em><br /><em><strong>Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka</strong></em><br /><em><strong>e-mail: ilechika2011@yahoo.com</strong></em><br /><em><strong>+2348033853911, +2347039775533</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>OR</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>The Managing Editor: </strong> James Edomwonyi Edokpolor PhD, Department of Business Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. <strong>james.edokpolor@aau.edu.ng, 080785833968</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>OR</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Co-Editor-in-Chief: </strong> Patience Osebhakhomen Imeokparia,PhD, Department of Business Education, AAU, Ekpoma, Edo State, <strong>patimeokparia.o@aauekpoma.edu.ng,</strong> <strong>+2348058815597, +2348160925887</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>OR</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Business Editor: </strong>Kennedy Ediagbonya, PhD, Department of Business Education, AAU, Ekpoma, Edo State, <strong>ediagbonyak@gmail.com</strong>, <strong>+2348057885058</strong></em></p> Department of Business Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State en-US AAU JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EDUCATORS CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS IN OPEN AND DISTANCE AND ELECTRONIC LEARNING ENVIRONMENT IN NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/101 <p><em>The author of this theoretical paper decided to embark on this discourse, which falls within the confined of </em><em>the current and future trends </em><em>in open and distance and electronic learning environment in Nigeria. In the paper, the importance of open and distance and electronic learning environment was critically discussed with particular emphasis on issues relating to educational effectiveness, accessibility and inclusivity. The disadvantages of open and distance and electronic learning environment was also discussed in the paper. The </em><em>the current and future trends </em><em>in open and distance and electronic learning environment was also looked at in the paper. The application of learning management systems in open and distance and electronic learning environment was also discussed in the paper. The application of artificial intelligence in open and distance and electronic learning environment was further discussed in the paper. Logical conclusions were highlighted and suggestions for future practices were further enumerated.</em></p> SOPHIE EMIKE OMOZUAWO Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-18 2024-05-18 4 2 1 9 GRADUATES’ SKILLS ACQUISITION AND ITS ROLE IN FOSTERING SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION OF NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/102 <p><em>The authors of this paper critically ex-ray </em><em>the </em><em>role of graduates’ skills acquisition in fostering social and economic transformation of Nigeria. The first discourse centred on the concept of skill acquisition. The second discourse centred on the importance of skill acquisition. The third discourse centred on the meaning of social transformation and the individual. Finally, logical conclusion where reached. Based on the discussions, it was recommended, among others, that governments at various levels should endeavour to encourage and support the higher education institution graduates with reasonable financial resources as this will provide opportunity for them to effectively utilize the entrepreneurial skills acquired to launch new business or entrepreneurial ventures.</em></p> MERCY OGBEIDE-AKUGBE VIVIAN NGOZI IREDIA AMINA LILLIAN MOMOH Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 4 2 10 16 THE ROLE OF INDUSTRY-ACADEMIA COLLABORATION IN FOSTERING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING PRACTICE, INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT IN BUSINESS EDUCATION https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/109 <p><em>The aim of this study was to examine the role of industry-academia collaboration in fostering teaching practice, instructional strategies and career development effectiveness in Business Education in universities in Lagos State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted to achieve the purpose of the study while the population of the study comprised of 74 final-year Business Education undergraduates and 8 lecturers from public Universities in Lagos State, Nigeria. A simple random technique was used to select 65 undergraduates and 6 lecturers while a structured questionnaire was employed for data collection. Cronbach’s alpha was used to ascertain the internal consistency of the items in the instrument, which yielded a coefficient value of 0.73. The findings of the study revealed that industry-academia collaboration has a potential role in fostering teaching practice, instructional strategies and career development effectiveness among Business Education undergraduates. The study recommended, among others, that efforts should be intensified by the government and all other major stakeholders to improve industry-academia collaboration in Business Education in universities as this will help to equip undergraduates with the employability skills to be proficient in the business world.</em></p> OLUKUNLE EMMANUEL ABIONA MOSES ODO ISHOLA OLUKAYODE SHOBOWALE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-24 2024-05-24 4 2 17 28 TEACHERS AND STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARD BUSINESS STUDIES IN PUBLIC JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ONDO STATE, NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/110 <p><em>The purpose of the study was to determine the level of teachers’ and students’ perception towards business studies in public junior secondary schools in Ondo State. Two research questions guided this study. The design of the study was a descriptive research design, Simple random sampling technique was used to select four (4) secondary schools out of the seventeen (17) public secondary schools in Owo local government area of Ondo State which f</em><em>our </em><em>hundred and thirty-three (433) students offering business studies subject.&nbsp; Proportionate sampling method was adopted to select 20% of students from each of the four (4) selected schools in the area; making a sample size of 116 for students and all the 36 teachers were used because of the manageable size. The data collected were analyzed. The findings showed that the persistent decline in the academic performance of Business Studies students in public junior secondary schools in Ondo State of Nigeria was as a result of factors which include students’ interest, societal attitude, peer group influence and instructional facilities/equipment among others. It is recommended that teachers, parents and educational bodies should endeavour to focus on programmes and activities that will enhance students’ commitment, study habit and participation in assignment and other academic activities. </em></p> GRACE BAMIDELE OLAMIDE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 4 2 29 35 TRANSFORMATIVE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND THEIR ROLES IN PROMOTING GENDER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIVITY IN NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/111 <p><em>The study explored the roles of transformative human resources management practices in promoting gender diversity and inclusivity in Nigerian Universities. Three specific purposes were stated and three research questions were raised. A descriptive survey research design was used to achieve the purpose of the study. Disproportionate stratified random samples were used to gather data from a sample of 444 participants from four universities in North-East Nigeria. A four-point Likert ‘type’ scale questionnaire used as the data collection tool. Three specialists in educational administration and measurement and evaluation ensured the content validity of the instrument. Cronbach's alphamethod was used to calculate the internal consistencies of the items in the instrument, which yielded a coefficient value of 0.75 and0.86. The data collected from the respondents was analysed using mean and standard deviation. </em><em>The result showed that there was a deficiency of all-encompassing strategies for gender equality in hiring, training, performance management, and work-life balance efforts. Compared to men, the result revealed a lower presence or participation of women in administrative and leadership positions. The implication of the result is that while gender sensitization training is useful in fostering better attitudes and behaviours, its full benefits depend on institutional culture change. </em><em>The authors recommended, among others, that mentorship initiatives, gender-sensitive training, and open performance reviews should be introduced in order to reduce gender gaps and promote a transformative culture.</em></p> NGOZI ANTHONIA IBELEGBU EJIMOFOR FRANCIS NDUDI MENYENE-ABASI ANDEM UDO Copyright (c) 0 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 4 2 36 45 TRANSFORMATIVE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND THEIR ROLES IN PROMOTING GENDER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIVITY IN NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/114 <p><em>The study explored the roles of transformative human resources management practices in promoting </em></p> <p><em>gender diversity and inclusivity in Nigerian Universities. Three specific purposes were stated and </em></p> <p><em>three research questions were raised. A descriptive survey research design was used to achieve the </em></p> <p><em>purpose of the study. Disproportionate stratified random samples were used to gather data from a </em></p> <p><em>sample of 444 participants from four universities in North-East Nigeria. A four-point Likert ‘type’ </em></p> <p><em>scale questionnaire used as the data collection tool. Three specialists in educational administration </em></p> <p><em>and measurement and evaluation ensured the content validity of the instrument. Cronbach's </em></p> <p><em>alphamethod was used to calculate the internal consistencies of the items in the instrument, which </em></p> <p><em>yielded a coefficient value of 0.75 and0.86. The data collected from the respondents was analysed </em></p> <p><em>using mean and standard deviation. The result showed that there was a deficiency of all</em></p> <p><em>encompassing strategies for gender equality in hiring, training, performance management, and </em></p> <p><em>work-life balance efforts. Compared to men, the result revealed a lower presence or participation of </em></p> <p><em>women in administrative and leadership positions. The implication of the result is that while gender </em></p> <p><em>sensitization training is useful in fostering better attitudes and behaviours, its full benefits depend on </em></p> <p><em>institutional culture change. The authors recommended, among others, that mentorship initiatives, </em></p> <p><em>gender-sensitive training, and open performance reviews should be introduced in order to reduce </em></p> <p><em>gender gaps and promote a transformative culture. </em></p> NGOZI ANTHONIA IBELEGBU EJIMOFOR FRANCIS NDUDI MENYENE-ABASI ANDEM UDO Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 4 2 36 45 AVAILABILITY, ADEQUACY AND UTILIZATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AMONG BUSINESS EDUCATION STUDENTS IN UNIVERSITIES IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/112 <p><em>The study examined</em><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><em>the extent of relationships between availability of instructional materials, adequacy of instructional materials, utilization of instructional materials and skills development among Business education students in universities in Ogun State. The study adopted a correlational survey research design to achieve the purpose of the study. A simple random sampling method was used to select 358 respondents. The author used a structured-questionnaire for data collection, titled: “Questionnaire on Availability, Adequacy and Utilization of Instructional Materials for Skills Development among Business Education Students (QAAUIMSDBES)” with a reliability coefficient value of 0.78 via the use of a Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) statistic. The data collected were analyzed using PPMCC. The findings revealed that there exist significant relationships between availability of instructional materials (r = 0.136, P&lt;.05), adequacy of instructional materials (r = 0.149, P&lt;.05), utilization of instructional materials (r = 0.926, P&lt;.05) and skills development among Business education students in universities in Ogun State. The author recommended, among others, that </em><em>government should source for more skilled and qualified lecturers to teach Business education courses, as this will help to equip Business education students with the requisite skills required to be gainfully employed after graduation</em></p> ISAIAH SUNDAY OLADIRE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 4 2 46 52 THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISE CHARACTERISTICS AND SALES VOLUME OF SELECTED SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/113 <p><em>The study examined the relationships between small and medium scale enterprise characteristics (for example, process innovation, product innovation and marketing innovation) and sales volume of selected small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Ogun State, Nigeria. Three null hypotheses were formed and a </em><em>quantitative correlational survey research design were adopted to achieve the purpose of the study</em><em>. A simple random sampling method was employed to select 228 respondents for the study. The instrument for data collection comprised of a well-structured questionnaire. Linear regression was used to analyze hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that there was a significant relationship between product innovation (r</em><em><sup>2</sup></em><em>=0.915, t=214.643, p&lt;0.05), process innovation (r</em><em><sup>2</sup></em><em>=0.924, t=226.145, p&lt;0.05) and marketing innovation (r</em><em><sup>2</sup></em><em>=0.910, t=241.400, p&lt;0.05) and sales volume of selected SMEs in Ogun State. The authors concluded that product, process and marketing innovation significantly predicted the sales volume of selected SMEs </em><em>in Ogun State</em><em>. The authors further recommended, among others, that product, process and marketing innovation should be encouraged among SMEs in order to foster their sales volume and performance at all time.</em></p> WAKEEL OLALEKAN MARADESA TOKUNBO OLUWASEUN OJO Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 4 2 53 61 THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY-BASED TEACHING METHODS AMONG ACADEMIC STAFF MEMBERS IN PUBLIC TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN EKITI STATE, NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/115 <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><em>The purpose of the paper was to examine the use of technology-based teaching methods among academic staff members in public tertiary institutions in Ekiti State. The study was guided by three research questions. The study adopted a quantitative survey research design to achieve the purpose of the study. A structured questionnaire was used as a primary source of data collection. &nbsp;The data collected from the respondents were analysed using descriptive statistics (for example, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistic (for example, Chi-Square). </em><em>One hundred and fifty (150)</em><em>&nbsp;copies of the questionnaire were administered on the respondents, comprising of some selected academic staff members of the five public tertiary institutions in Ekiti State.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>The result showed that the level of availability of technology-based teaching methods in tertiary institutions in Ekiti State is high. The result also revealed that academic staff members in </em><em>the five public tertiary institutions in Ekiti State</em><em>&nbsp;often utilize variety of emerging technologies during teaching. The result further showed </em><em>that there is a significant moderate interplay between emerging technologies and quality service delivery among academic staff members in public tertiary institutions in Ekiti State. T</em><em>he authors recommended, among others, that </em><em>tertiary</em><em>&nbsp;institutions should endeavour to intensify efforts to provide comprehensive training programmes for academic staff members on emerging technologies in order to foster teaching effectiveness</em><em>. </em></p> ABOSEDE FISAYO HAMMED OLUWASEUN OLUROPO AJIBARE FOLASADE BUSAYO OGUNTOYE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-14 2024-07-14 4 2 62 71 MODERATED-MEDIATION PATH ANALYSIS ON THE INFLUENCE OF STUDENTS’ VARIABLES ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN BIOLOGY IN ONITSHA EDUCATION ZONE OF ANAMBRA STATE https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/116 <p><em>The aim of the study was to determine </em><em>moderated-mediation</em><em>&nbsp;path analysis on influence of student variables (for example, students’ self-esteem and self-efficacy, attitude, anxiety and study habit) on academic achievement of students in Biology at Senior Secondary Schools (SSS) level in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State. Three research questions guided the study and three hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. A correlational survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample comprised of 357 students who offered Biology at SSS level in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State. Five instruments were used for data collection, titled: Biology Attitude Questionnaire (BAQ), Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), Biology self-efficacy Scale (BSEQ), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Study Habit Inventory (SHI). Cronbach’s alpha was used in calculating the internal consistency of the items in the instruments, which yielded coefficient values of .79 for BAQ, .89 for RSES, .82 for BSEQ, .89 for BAI and .88 for SHI. The annual results (2022/2023 session) of SSS 2 students who offered Biology from the sampled schools were used to obtain academic achievement of students in Biology at SSS level in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State. The </em><em>SPSS version 27 and MPLUS version 7 software were used in analyzing the data collected from the respondents. Research questions analyzed using mean, standard deviation, correlation and regression statistics. Hypotheses were analyzed using Chi-square statistic</em><strong><em>. </em></strong><em>The findings revealed that all the assumptions of the hypothesized causal model were upheld. Also, the models were fit and statistically significant and meaningful. The variables directly and indirectly through mediation variables in the model predicted academic achievement of students in Biology</em><em>&nbsp;at SSS level in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State</em><em>. The findings also revealed that an increase in any of the variables in the equations result in an increase in academic achievement of students in Biology</em><em>&nbsp;at SSS level in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State</em><em>&nbsp;while holding constant influence of other variables. </em><em>Students’ gender also has significant moderation effect in all the variables.</em></p> EUGENIA OBIAGERI OKAFOR ABIGAIL MGBOYIBO OSUAFOR Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 4 2 72 82 THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN CASSAVA PROCESSORS AND MODERN CASSAVA PROCESSING TECHNIQUES IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/117 <p><em>This study examined the extent of relationships between socio-economic characteristics of women cassava processors and utilization of modern cassava-processing techniques in Ogun State. A hypothesis was formed to achieve the purpose of the study. A multi-stage sampling method was used to select 546 women cassava processors in Ogun State. In the first stage, 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Ogun state were stratified into Savannah and Rain Forest Agro- Ecological Zones. The second stage involved the selection of two LGAs from Savannah and four LGAs from Forest Zones. The third stage involved a random selection of 36 Villages of the selected LGAs with 12 and 24 from each zones. Finally, 10.0% of women cassava processors were randomly selected from the villages, comprising 201 and 345 women cassava processors from each zones. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) and Chi-square statistics. The result showed that marital status is significantly related to the level of utilization of processing techniques among respondents in savannah zone (x2-29.72, p&lt;0.05), and no significant relationship existed in the forest zone (x2-12.93, p&gt;0.05) as well as when the zones were pooled (x2-13.37, p&gt;0.05). The result also showed that educational level is significantly related to the level of the utilization of processing techniques in savannah and forest zones with (x2=15.57, p&lt;0.05; 72-44.96, p&lt;0.05). The result also showed that cosmos-politeness of respondents is significantly related to the level of the utilization of processing techniques in the forest zone (x2=33.26, p&lt;0.05) and the pooled result (x2=28.57, p&lt;0.05) as well as in the savannah zone, cosmos-politeness is not significantly related to the level of the use of processing techniques (x2=2.10, p&gt;0.05). Respondents' age is also found to significantly related to the utilization of processing techniques in the savannah zone (r=0.33, p&lt;0.05) and not significantly related to the utilization of processing techniques in the forest zone (r=0.08. p&lt;0.05) while it is significantly correlated to the pooled result from both zones (r= -0.16; p&lt;0.05). The result further showed that the household size of respondents was only significant in the savannah zone (r= 0.15; p&lt;0.05), in such that household with capable hands to operate the equipment enhances the level of the utilization of cassava processing techniques. </em></p> BISOLA OLUDIPE KUBIRAT ABDUL Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 4 2 83 88 PHILOSOPHICAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT (PRAGMATISM) AND ITS ROLE IN FOSTERING SUSTAINABILITY OF BUSINESS EDUCATION IN NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/118 <p><em>This paper explores the potential of pragmatism, a philosophical school of thought, to enhance the sustainability and relevance of business education in Nigeria. Pragmatism emphasizes practical application, experiential learning, and continuous adaptation, aligning educational practices with the dynamic needs of the business environment. By discussing the current state of business education in Nigeria, the paper highlights the challenges of outdated curricula, insufficient infrastructure, and disconnect between academia and industry. It proposes pragmatic solutions such as curriculum development based on industry trends, experiential learning opportunities, fostering critical thinking, and promoting lifelong learning. The paper also addresses the challenges of implementing pragmatism in business education, including resistance to change and limited resources, and suggests strategic initiatives like professional development for educators, industry partnerships, and policy support. The study concludes that embracing pragmatism can significantly enhance the sustainability of business education in Nigeria, preparing students to navigate and thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape. The authors recommended among others, that there should be emphasis on learning by doing at all levels of education in such a way that teaching learning situations should be designed in a way to provide solutions to real life problems.</em></p> SOLOMON OYELAMI OYEWOLE PETER ADEKUNLE OLUWAFEMI SUNDAY ADEAGBO Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 4 2 89 95 THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN TAX INCENTIVES AND FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/119 <p><em>The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between tax incentives and Foreign Direct Investments in Nigeria. This study adopted an ex-post facto research design and data was gathered from CBN statistical bulletin and annual reports of the Federal Inland Revenue Service for the period of 33 years (1991 to 2023). </em><em>The Eviews 11.0 econometric software was used to analyse the data that was gathered from the various sources</em><em>.</em><em>&nbsp;The results revealed a </em><em>significant negative impact of Customs and Excise Incentives (D(CED)) on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) underscores the importance of streamlining administrative processes to reduce the complexities and burdens these incentives may impose on investors. Conversely, the insignificant impacts of Value Added Tax Incentives (D(PPT)) and Company Income Tax Incentives (D(CIT,2)) suggest that these measures alone are insufficient to drive FDI, thereby highlighting the necessity of a holistic approach that integrates these incentives with broader economic strategies.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>The authors recommended, among others, that, a </em><em>simplified customs procedure to mitigate perceived complexities and enhance the attractiveness of these incentives to potential investors. </em></p> FELIX OGHENEOCHUKO ALADE GIFT ESE ELOSIUBA Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 4 2 96 104 TEACHERS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROFESSIONALIZATION OF TEACHING CAREER IN NIGERIA: EVIDENCE FROM SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EDO STATE, NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/120 <p><em>The study examined the professional development of teachers and the professionalization of the teaching career in Edo State, Nigeria. The study employed a quantitative survey research design. Five research questions were raised and five null hypotheses were formed. The population of the study consists of 297 principals and 1,327 teachers in the public senior secondary schools (SSS) in the eighteen local government area of Edo State. The sample for the study is 170 principals based on the Taro Yamane’s formula. Principals were selected through a non-proportional stratified random sampling technique from the eighteen local government areas of the State. &nbsp;The instrument used for data collection in the study is a structured questionnaire, titled: “Teachers Professional Development and the Professionalization of the Teaching Career Questionnaire (TPDPTCQ)” The instrument has a reliability coefficient alpha value of .845. The data collected were analysed using the descriptive, non-parametric statistics and one sample t-test statistics. The findings showed that the numbers of professionally-trained and auxiliary teachers in SSS in Edo State were not significantly different. Students-teacher ratio in most of the subjects studied were high. However, there were significant disparities in the students-teacher ratio across different subjects. The analysis also revealed substantial teacher shortages across the listed subjects. The study further showed that the levels of teacher availability for recruitment in the subjects studied were significant, indicating government challenges in meeting the teacher demand. The analysis of in-service training for teachers revealed that financial constraints, lack of resource persons, limited access to reference materials, and problems of logistics are common and critical issues and challenges facing the scheme. The study recommended, among others that policymakers, educational administrators, and stakeholders should endeavour to collaborate to implement policy reforms to address the identified gaps, improve working conditions and career progression opportunities for teachers, and enhance the professionalization of teaching career.</em></p> CHRISTOPHER ITUA HELLEN AKHIGBE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 4 2 105 116 LEVEL OF AWARENESS OF FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY AMONG BUSINESS EDUCATION UNDERGRADUATES’ IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/121 <p><em>The study assessed the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates in public universities in Edo State. Five research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. The study employed a descriptive survey research design to achieve the central aim of the study. The population comprised of 484 undergraduates’</em><em>&nbsp;in </em><em>public universities in Edo State. The sample size comprised of 121 business education undergraduates in public universities in Edo State in which 25% of the population was selected using the proportional sampling method. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire, titled “Financial Technology Awareness among Business Education Undergraduates Questionnaire (FTABEUQ). The instrument was subjected to face and content validity. To establish the internal consistencies of the items, 20 copies of the instrument was administered on business education undergraduates who were not part of the study population. Thereafter, a Cronbach’s alpha statistic was used in calculating the data collected, which yielded a coefficient alpha reliability value of 0.75. The data collected from the respondents was analysed using mean (x), standard deviation (SD) and two sample independent t-test statistics. The findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference in the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates based on academic institution and gender. Moreso, there was no significant difference in the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates’ students based on course option and academic level. Based on these findings, the authors concluded that the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates in public universities in Edo State is relatively high. This is so with their institutions, gender, course option and class level notwithstanding. The authors recommended</em><em>, </em><em>among others</em><em>, </em><em>that business education undergraduates who want to improve their skills and talents should not wait for anyone to compel them to learn the necessary skills needed to succeed in the world of work.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Awareness, Business Education, Financial Technology, Public Universities, Undergraduates.</p> <p><em>The study assessed the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates in public universities in Edo State. Five research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. The study employed a descriptive survey research design to achieve the central aim of the study. The population comprised of 484 undergraduates’</em><em>&nbsp;in </em><em>public universities in Edo State. The sample size comprised of 121 business education undergraduates in public universities in Edo State in which 25% of the population was selected using the proportional sampling method. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire, titled “Financial Technology Awareness among Business Education Undergraduates Questionnaire (FTABEUQ). The instrument was subjected to face and content validity. To establish the internal consistencies of the items, 20 copies of the instrument was administered on business education undergraduates who were not part of the study population. Thereafter, a Cronbach’s alpha statistic was used in calculating the data collected, which yielded a coefficient alpha reliability value of 0.75. The data collected from the respondents was analysed using mean (x), standard deviation (SD) and two sample independent t-test statistics. The findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference in the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates based on academic institution and gender. Moreso, there was no significant difference in the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates’ students based on course option and academic level. Based on these findings, the authors concluded that the level of awareness of financial technology among business education undergraduates in public universities in Edo State is relatively high. This is so with their institutions, gender, course option and class level notwithstanding. The authors recommended</em><em>, </em><em>among others</em><em>, </em><em>that business education undergraduates who want to improve their skills and talents should not wait for anyone to compel them to learn the necessary skills needed to succeed in the world of work.</em></p> SHERIFF AJAYI ADEOYE ROBINSON OSAEUMWENSE OWENVBIUGIE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 4 2 117 127 TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT AND ITS INFLUENCE IN FOSTERING ECONOMIC GROWTH https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/122 <p><em>The study examined the influence of technological advancement on economic growth. One research question and two null hypotheses guided the study. A correlational</em><em>&nbsp;research design was used to established the structure and the direction of the study. </em><em>The population comprised of all the SMEs operators in Ogun East Senatorial District of Ogun State, Nigeria. A total of 150 SMEs operators were selected for the study using purposive and stratified sampling methods. The instrument for data collection is titled: Technological Advancement and Economic Growth Questionnaire (TAEGQ) with a </em><em>0.91 reliability coefficient value. </em><em>Descriptive statistics were used in answering the research questions and inferential statistic were used in testing the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that </em><em>technology influence efficient production, leading to increased profit and competitive advantage,</em><em>&nbsp;facilitates the creation of superior products and services.</em><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><em>Technology advancement has positive influence on economic growth (B = .374, t = 7.522, p &lt;.05).</em><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong><em>Technological advancement leads to increased productivity, innovation and competitiveness (B = .206, t = 3.929, p &lt;.05). The authors recommended among others that government of Nigeria should endeavour to commit more</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>resources to the development of the technological sector to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of SMEs.</em></p> ADE ADEBAYO BISOLA AMODA KEINDE TAIWO Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 2 128 136 BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY, CRYPTOCURRENCIES AND FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/123 <p><em>The study examined blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and financial&nbsp;inclusion in Nigeria. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. </em><em>A correlational research design was adopted to achieve the central aim of the study. </em><em>The population of this study comprised all the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) operators in Ogun East Senatorial District of Ogun East, Nigeria. A total of 200 SMEs operators were selected for the study using purposive and stratified sampling methods. Two research instruments were used for data collection, namely: Benefits of Blockchain Technology Questionnaire (BBTQ) and Benefits of Cryptocurrencies </em><em>Questionnaire (BCQ). </em><em>The descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation were used in answering research questions 1 and 2, while the research hypothesis were tested using the t-test statistic. The findings of the study revealed that </em><em>blockchain technology and cryptocurrency promote financial inclusion in the Nigeria economy. &nbsp;Scalability, interoperability, energy consumption, privacy, security, non-regulation, complexity, inefficient networking, inappropriate skills set and inadequate financial resources were the key drivers and challenges of adopting blockchain-based financial services. The blockchain-based financial services was found to be better than the traditional financial services in terms of accessibility, affordability and usability. The adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency reduced the transaction cost and increase the speed of the financial transaction in the economy. The blockchain-based financial services increased the financial inclusion in the economy by providing access to the underserved population. The blockchain-based financial services also create new economic opportunities and reduce poverty in Nigeria economy by proving access to capital and financial services for SMEs operators. The use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency increase financial literacy and capability among the low-income individual in Nigerian economy. The blockchain-based financial services also improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the financial services of financial system, thereby leading to economic growth and development. It was recommended among others that </em><em>government policies should focus on improving networks and financial access points and the need to continue doing. </em></p> ADE ADEBAYO GABRIEL SOYEBI ISAIAH OLADIRE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 4 2 137 146 RESOURCE UTILIZATION AND JOB EFFECTIVENESS OF BUSINESS STUDIES TEACHERS IN PUBLIC JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KWARA STATE OF NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/124 <p><em>This study examined the influence of resource utilization on job effectiveness of business studies teachers in Public Junior Secondary Schools in Kwara State of Nigeria. The study adopted a quantitative research design to achieve the purpose of the study and a total enumeration sampling method to select 1,054 business studies teachers for the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics and were used to perform the data analyses. The findings revealed that the level of job effectiveness among the respondents is high (Mean=3.14). The level of resource utilization is moderately high (x=2.70). Human resource utilization (1.007; t-value = 48.333, p &lt;.000) strongly and positively influence job effectiveness when considered separately, while instructional resource utilization (-0.511; t = -10.420, p &lt;.000) and infrastructural resource utilization (0.483; t = 9.475, p &lt;.000) both contribute positively to job effectiveness. The authors recommend, among others, that government should endeavour to continuous investment financial resources on professional development programmes in order to aid effective curriculum development and instructional delivery.</em></p> SEYI DAVID VICTORIA SOFOLAHAN Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-17 2024-09-17 4 2 147 157 MENTORING STRATEGY AND ITS ROLE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS EDUCATION PROGRAMME IN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/126 <p><em>The paper discussed mentoring as a potent strategy for the effective management of Business Education programme in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. For Business Education programme to be able to actualize it set goals of producing skilled and competent graduates for the nation’s workforce, there is the need for effective and strategic mentorship. Therefore, this paper focused on the concept of mentoring; different mentoring practices; and areas of mentoring for the management of Business Education programme. The paper also examined the theory of mentoring phases and show how to successfully initiate mentoring strategies that could be applied by mentors and mentees in Business Education programme in tertiary institutions in order to foster the quality of the programme and the quantity of competent manpower in the programme. From the literature review, m</em><em>entoring practice is seen to be the surest way to provide ideal opportunities to senior and experienced business educators to share meaningful information and experience to the next generation of Business Educators. </em><em>The authors recommended, among others, that availability of competent mentors is a key in successful mentorship. </em></p> IBHADE JOY OJEAGA IGBINOGHODUA MOSES OSAGUMWENRO Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-17 2024-09-17 4 2 158 166 RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TEACHERS’ CHARACTERISTICS, STUDENTS’ CHARACTERISTICS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BENIN METROPOLIS https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/127 <p><em>The study aimed at identifying the extent of relationship between </em><em>teachers’ characteristics, students’ characteristics and academic performance: Evidence from Private Senior Secondary Schools (SSS) in Benin Metropolis</em><em>. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study.</em><em>&nbsp;The design employed for the study was a correlational survey research design</em><em>.</em><em>&nbsp;The population of the study comprises of 3410 private SSS3 students in Benin </em><em>Metropolis</em><em>. The teachers and students will serve as the respondents for the study because they are considered fit to have the useful information needed to carry out the study. A structured questionnaire, titled: “Questionnaire on </em><em>Teachers’ Characteristics, Students’ Characteristics and Academic Performance</em><em>” were used for data collection. The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and linear regression. The result revealed that there is significant relationships between teachers’ characteristics</em><em>, students’ </em><em>characteristics</em><em>&nbsp;and students’ academic performance in Private SSS in Benin </em><em>Metropolis</em><em>.</em></p> CHRISTOPHER ITUA HELLEN AKHIGBE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-19 2024-09-19 4 2 167 173 PROPRIETORS’ CHARACTERISTICS, PARENTAL SUPPORT AND STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BENIN METROPOLIS https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/128 <p><em>The purpose of the study was to examine the extent of relationships between</em><em>&nbsp;proprietors’ characteristics, parental support and students’ academic performance in Private Senior Secondary Schools (SSS) in Benin Metropolis</em><em>. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study.</em><em>&nbsp;The research design employed to achieve the aims of the study was a correlational survey research design</em><em>.</em><em>&nbsp;The population of the study comprises of 3410 private SSS3 students in Benin </em><em>Metropolis</em><em>. The teachers and students will serve as the respondents for the study because they are considered fit to have the useful information needed to carry out the study. A structured questionnaire, titled: “Questionnaire on </em><em>Proprietors’ Characteristics, Parental Support and Academic Performance of students in Private SSS in Benin Metropolis</em><em>” were used for data collection. The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and linear regression. The result revealed that </em><em>proprietors’ characteristics and parental support were significant negative predictors of students’ academic performance in Private SSS in Benin Metropolis</em><em>.</em></p> CHRISTOPHER ITUA HELLEN AKHIGBE Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 4 2 174 181 AN ASSESSMENT OF SUDOKU PROFICIENCIES FOR SPREADSHEETS APPLICATIONS AMONG BUSINESS EDUCATION STUDENTS IN FEDERAL UNIVERSITIES IN SOUTH-SOUTH NIGERIA https://aaujbe.com.ng/index/index.php/aaujbe/article/view/129 <p><em>The purpose of this study was to assess the level of Sudoku Proficiency for spreadsheets applications among Business Education students in Federal Universities in South-South Nigeria. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. A descriptive survey research design was used to achieve the central aim of the study. The population of the study consisted of 1063 Business Education students in Federal Universities in South-South Nigeria. A proportionate sampling method was used to select 291 Business Education students as respondents for the study. A structured questionnaire titled, “Sudoku Proficiency for Spreadsheets Applications among Business Education Students Questionnaire (SPSBEQ)” was used for data collection. The instrument was face validated by three research experts, two in Business Education and one in Measurements and Evaluation. Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine the internal consistencies of the items in the instrument, which yeilded the reliability coefficient value of .805. The mean statistic was used to answer the research questions. The results revealed that Business Education students possesses Sudoku proficiencies such as critical thinking and numerical proficiency for spreadsheets applications in South-South Nigeria to a great extent. It was recommended, among others, that curriculum designers and policy makers should endeavour to integrate Sudoku as a course into the Business Education curriculum in order to help achieve the goals of business education programme in Nigeria.</em>&nbsp;</p> ABASIENIE SAMPSON BASSEY ANTHONY UGWU OBAYI CHARLES NDUKWU AGBAEGBU Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-26 2024-09-26 4 2 182 188