Aquaculture, Challenges, Surmounting PovertyAbstract
The study examined how the challenges of poverty could be solved through aquaculture farming in Ogun State. Three research questions guided the study. A descriptive survey research design was used to actualize the purpose of the study. The population of the study comprised aquaculture farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Using multi-stage sampling technique, a sample of 300 aquaculture farmers were selected from Ogun East Senatorial District of Ogun State. The authors developed a questionnaire, titled: Fish farming and poverty Reduction questionnaire with coefficient values of 0.79. Frequency counts and percentage were used to analyze data collected from the respondents. Descriptive statistics of mean was used for analyzing research questions 1 and 2. Research question 3 was answered using regression statistic. The findings revealed that construction of modern pond, stocking operation, improvement of fingerling breed, feed formulation technique, feeding operation, marketing information and spawning operation were among the knowledge of aquaculture among farmers’ in Ogun state. This implied that greater numbers of the farmers examined have greater knowledge on aquaculture. Fulfillment of protein demand of the country, prevents food insecurity, creates jobs which settle the employment issue, prolific and profitable, generates income for individuals and attracts foreign exchange and capable of increasing the country’s GDP were among the prospects of aquaculture in Ogun state, Nigeria. Independent variable (aquaculture farming) was found to be significant and strongly determine poverty reduction with the P- value less than 0.05 and magnitude of aquaculture framing (B = 0.426, t= 8.772, p<0.5). This implied that about 63.8% poverty reduction among farmers could be attributed towards aquaculture farming. The study recommended among others that provision of capital (credit) for construction of ponds in order to increase pond areas and improved supply of quality fingerlings and fish feed to farmers.
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