
  • JANE NWAKEGO EGBRI Department of Vocational and Technical Education, University of Benin, P.O. Box 1154, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria



Launching and managing a vocational business venture is one of the greatest legacy an individual can bequeath for him/herself at this present time in Nigeria. Yet, there is chronic shortage of enterprising individuals and the situation is further compounded by insufficient vocational business educators and instructors who would help to prepare individuals to launch and manage a vocational business ventures and continuously improve their knowledge and skills. A number of vocational business educators perform poorly on the job and has negatively influence the workforce needs of the entrepreneurial sector and vocational business education programme. Addressing the issue of poor performance of vocational business educators on the job is particularly important not only to respond to the chronic shortage of vocational business educators but also the deficit of enterprising individuals. It is important to ensure that vocational business educators receive sufficient or abundance resources and engaged at work because of the positive impact these job situations contribute to job performance. Considering the importance of vocational business educators to the entrepreneurial sector, there is need to examine the influence of job resources on vocational business educators job performance with work engagement as a mediating variable. The purpose of this study therefore is to examine the relationships between job resources, work engagement, and job performance of vocational business educators in the universities in South-South, Nigeria. The findings indicated positive correlation between job resources, work engagement and job performance. The findings also indicated that work engagement fully mediated the relationship between job resources and job performance. This research builds on the work of previous scholars by further supporting the relationships between job resources, work engagement and job performance specifically in the context of vocational business educator. University administrators and managers play a role in ensuring that strategies are in place to motivate and engage vocational business educators as practical ways to reduce poor performance. In particular, university administrators and managers should recognize vocational business educators’ contributions, provide career development opportunities, and promote challenging responsibilities and autonomy within the classroom and university. It is critical to have adequate and qualified vocational business educators to prepare individuals to engage in entrepreneurial careers and lifelong learning.


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2024-01-15 — Updated on 2024-01-18