
  • DR. KENNEDY EDIAGBONYA Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State


Business education, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial alertness, and social entrepreneurial intention


It becomes essential to look for alternative employment opportunities by starting new businesses that may address society's concerns in an environment marked by rising levels of social problems and unemployment. The current study focused on entrepreneurial education and alertness as predictors of business education students' social entrepreneurial intention in Edo State. To direct the investigation, four research questions were posed. Three hypotheses were developed and evaluated at the significance level of 0.05. A Correlational survey research design was used for the investigation. All 382 business education students from the University of Benin and Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, made up the study's population. Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial Alertness and Social Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EASEIQ) was the tool that was employed. Two people validated the tool. After giving the test to 20 business education students at Delta State University, Abraka, the cronbach alpha was employed to determine the instrument's reliability, and it produced a reliability coefficient of.81. Using the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, and multiple regression analysis, the data gathered from the respondents was examined. The findings revealed that that entrepreneurship education is a significant predictor of business education students’ social entrepreneurial intention in Edo State (R2 = .171, F (2, 242) = 50.035, P <. 05). The finding further revealed that entrepreneurial alertness is a significant predictor of business education students’ social entrepreneurial intention in Edo State (R2 = .267, F (2, 242) = 87.975, P <. 05). It was suggested that social entrepreneurship should be promoted in light of the findings.

Author Biography

DR. KENNEDY EDIAGBONYA, Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State





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2023-05-08 — Updated on 2023-05-08