
  • SAMAILA AHMED Department of Vocational and Technology Education Faculty of Technology Education Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi Nigeria
  • ADAMU IBRAHIM Department of Vocational and Technology Education Faculty of Technology Education Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi Nigeria
  • AHMED A. DEBA Department of Vocational and Technology Education Faculty of Technology Education Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi Nigeria


Job Demand, Stress, Interest, Job Satisfaction, Secretaries


This study investigated the Influence of job demand and stress on interest and job satisfaction of professional secretaries in tertiary institutions in Bauchi State. The study had four objectives and four null hypotheses. Survey design was adopted for the study. The population was 156 professional secretaries from ten tertiary institutions in Bauchi State and the entire population was used for the study. Instrument for data collection was adopted questionnaire validated by experts and pilot tested at Gombe State. A reliability coefficient of 0.71 was obtained. Data for the study was collected with the help of four research assistants and subjected to Linear Regression at P<0.05 level of significance.  The result revealed that the job demands and stress have significant influence on interest and job satisfaction of professional secretaries in tertiary institutions in Bauchi State, Nigeria.  It was therefore concluded that the job satisfaction of secretaries which is considered as very critical to achieving the goals of our tertiary institutions could only be achieved in the presence of a favorable demands, effective job resources and management of stress.  It was recommended that tertiary institutions where secretaries work should employ more secretaries to avoid the major sources of high job demands and stress affecting interest and job satisfaction of the secretaries.  The seminars and workshops should also be conducted to secretarial staff on continuous basis to enable them update their digital skills and computer word processing skills.



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